Suppliers and International Vendors

AMORITALIA is a project for the PROMOTION and EXPORT of quality products MADE IN ITALY in Europe and around the world.
Our suppliers are mainly established artisans and small and medium-sized companies, although they have a stable production volume, independently would not have the strength and the tools to expand their business abroad.

Producers can then focus on what he does best: product!
AMORITALIA will to promote it, taking care of completely MANAGEMENTportals Ecommerce, theLOGISTICS and ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS, and elaborating TARGETED MARKETING STRATEGIES.


Interested manufacturers who would like to work with AmorItalia must ensure:

The quality of the product and that the production is 100% Italian.

VAT number and VIES
(VAT Information Exchange System).

Commitment to the brokerage AmorItalia without taking direct transactions with the customers acquired through the portals and AmorItalia.com AmorItalia.biz.

Using AmorItalia’s portals to keep products and categories updated constantly.

Abiding with estimated time of deliveries.

The acceptance of the conditions made according to current European regulations on consumer rights and product warranty.


Joining the project AmorItalia from suppliers is COMPLETELY FREE. Manufacturers, therefore, do not pay any fee to join the project, but they accept a surcharge on the final prices, as defined by common agreement in the partnership contract. Manufacturers are required only a formal commitment to the collaboration, the price list, the data and photographs of the products.